Free Rx = 31 Health Benefits

A single prescription that can deliver 31 health benefits? And, it’s FREE? Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Read on…

What single prescription can claim all these health benefits?

Mood improves

Decreases knee pain

Reduces risk of stroke

40% decrease in lower back pain

Reduces glaucoma risk (lowers pressure inside the eye)

Cuts Alzheimer’s Disease risk by 50% over 5 years

Lowers blood pressure

Builds bones mass (reducing risk of osteoporosis)

Decreases odds of catching a cold by 30-50%

Arthritis can be prevented and managed

Increases heart and respiratory fitness in adults with Type 2 Diabetes

What can do all that? WALKING! And guess what, it’s FREE!

Only 15-40 minutes a day 5 days per week will tone and trim your body, vastly improve your health and could even save your life.  If you have limited mobility, speak with your physician about how you might incorporate exercise into your routine.  In most cases, even if you have a chronic condition or are concerned about fall risk, an Aker Kasten Home Health Care caregiver can accompany you and walk alongside you to ensure your safety.  Even a few minutes a day can reap rewards. 

According to a 2013 CNN article reported that 2011 data shows 27 countries have higher life expectancies at birth than the United States.  A recent study showed that people living in the U.S. take fewer steps than adults in Australia, Switzerland, and Japan:

Australians averaged 9,656 steps a day…Swiss adults averaged 9,650 steps a day…Japanese averaged 7,168 steps a day…Americans averaged just  5,117 steps a day (far below the recommended 10,000)

It’s been said one should stop and smell the roses–but we can’t smell them if we’re sitting inside on a couch.  Get outside and enjoy the Florida sunshine and warm, fresh air!  You will come to look forward to your time out of doors and your body will too.  If you’d like a companion to walk with you, just give us a call–we’d be happy to enjoy some sunshine with you!

Please share this important information with others who may need a friendly nudge to walk.  Maybe set a date to walk through the flat, air-conditioned mall and do some people watching while you exercise together!

The home health care Boca Raton, FL caregivers at Aker Kasten Home Health Care strive to help you successfully age in place. Call us for more information or to answer any questions.

The content of this page is meant to educate, but it should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her physician or clinician for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented
walking infographic

If you or a loved one need caring, compassionate home health care, contact us today!