Although we specialize in home care services, particularly in-home care, the care of our clients extends beyond the confines of their home.   Regardless of The Client’s condition, be that Alzheimer’s Disease or some other dementia, Parkinson’s, diabetes, or surgery recovery, we stand firm on the distinctives that have made Aker Kasten the premier home health care agency is Palm Beach County.


Our passion is to provide each with care truly unparalleled in our competence and compassion…


Our priority is to care for each in a way that demonstrates our sensitivity to our unshakable conviction that each client is made in The Image and Likeness of God and that we are accountable to Him for those entrusted to our care…


Our Plan of care is formulated by The Client and his/her family to enhance the quality of life and enable The Client to remain independently and happily at home under the supervision of our caregivers and our Nursing Staff…


Your Peace of Mind, not only that of The Client, but also, and especially, that of family who may not be in the area, yet remain very concerned about, and committed to, the wellbeing of loved ones.  This is the basis of our pledge to each and every client–to preserve dignity…promote quality of life…provide for safety…and protect serenity of all.