How to Support Senior Independence for Your Loved Ones

Whether a senior is receiving home health services in a facility or at home, maintaining a sense of independence is a major consideration when looking to improve quality of life. When providing care for a loved one, it is easy to get into the habit of doing everything FOR the person rather than WITH the person. However, this well-intentioned behavior can actually have a negative influence on the person’s wellbeing. Sustaining feelings of senior independence is important for many reasons: The person receiving care will appreciate that you are seeing him as an individual still capable of making a contribution to […]

Senior Care Tips: Fight Holiday Blues for Seniors with a Rainbow of Possibilities

For most people, the holidays represent a wonderful time of year to share the joys of family and friendship. But for some older adults, this time of year can be extremely difficult if their mental, physical and emotional needs are not taken into consideration. For the elderly, the nostalgic season and memories of friends and family members that they have outlived, or the long distances that separate family member can become even more painful during the holidays. In addition, older family members with special needs can get lost in the shuffle and chaos of happy family gatherings. This year, bring […]

Good Nutrition May Prevent Cognitive Decline

As the leaders in Alzheimer’s home care in Boca Raton, FL and nearby areas, we know that good nutrition is beneficial at any age, increasing mental functioning, building our immunity, boosting energy levels, and even leading to faster recuperation times and better management of chronic health conditions. And now, proper nutrition for seniors is even more important than ever, with findings that poor nutritional decisions can eventually lead to cognitive decline and dementia. Specific research points to vitamins C (found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, spinach, red peppers) and E (found in nut and vegetable oils, whole grain products, spinach), antioxidants that […]

Congratulations, Marie! Our 2017 Caregiver of the Year.

On Tuesday, 5 December 2017, at our Tenth Annual Christmas Gathering For Field Staff, Marie Luc was presented to her colleagues as our Excelsior Caregiver of The Year! Marie came to work for Aker Kasten in March 2009 and had been providing outstanding Boca Raton home care since.  From the very beginning, she displayed a servant’s heart–she was committed to improving the quality of life of each patient assigned to her care.  The words I don’t do that were not part of her vocabulary–nor was lateness nor absence ever part of her history with us. During these eight years, Marie stayed unfailingly with her patients, […]

Top Five Things You Need to Know when Choosing Adult Care Services in Boca Raton FL

Many older adults wish to age in place in the comfort of home; however, when assistance is needed, shopping for in-home care can be a bit overwhelming to choose the best home care for senior loved ones. Knowing what type of care your loved one needs and what to look for in a home health care agency will produce a more informed decision for your loved one’s care. The following are the top five things you need to know when shopping for Boca Raton area home care services. Is there a difference between home care and home health care? Yes. Home […]

Consider At Home Nursing Care When A Senior Care Need Arises

Deciding what type of long-term care loved ones need when they are no longer able to live totally independently is an important decision that should not be considered lightly. If given the option to live one’s golden years in an institutional setting or in one’s own home, the majority of people would choose their own homes. There are many instances when home care is a perfectly appropriate and less expensive care choice than nursing home placement or a permanent move to a retirement or assisted living facility. When making a long-term care decision for a sick, elderly or frail family […]

Protect Yourself From Legal Liabilities When Hiring Caregivers

Aker Kasten Home Health Care, experts in home care service in Delray Beach and surrounding areas, has joined forces with a national movement to educate the public on risks—including legal liabilities—associated with employing a caregiver versus hiring an agency that provides caregivers. The Health Care Financing Administration estimates more than 7.6 million Americans require in-home care due to acute illness, long-term health conditions, permanent disability, or terminal illness. Yet despite the large number of people requiring care at home, the private duty home care industry remains mostly unregulated and the quality of care between providers can vary greatly. Often people do […]

Education About Alzheimer’s Care Can Lead to Better Quality of Life

The number of people with Alzheimer’s disease is growing in epidemic proportions, yet despite over 100 years of research, its definitive cause is not yet known and a cure remains elusive. Researchers are currently studying, among other things. factors such as diet, genes, and cardiovascular health to determine risk factors and overall disease development. However, researchers believe that for most people, there probably is not one single cause of Alzheimer’s disease, but rather a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. What is certain is that family caregiver education about the disease and its effects, as well as education about Alzheimer’s care […]

Tips to Cope with Caregiving & Senior Diabetes

Senior diabetes is known to raise the risk of a number of major health problems, including heart disease and kidney failure. More recently, studies have also linked diabetes to speedier mental decline and dementia in seniors. Age is one of the most significant factors in the risk for diabetes. The American Diabetes Association found that 23.1% of seniors over the age of 60 have diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that can be positively affected by caregiving, so an understanding of the risks, treatments and even prevention are essential in protecting your loved one. Diabetes in seniors can manifest itself differently than […]

How a Personal Care Aide Can Help One Live Well with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive disease of the central nervous system which currently affects approximately 400,000 people in the U.S. In recognition of National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness month, we would like to offer some information for families. With a progressive disease like MS, education about the disease can lead to better management of symptoms. Living With MS People with MS typically don’t appear outwardly ill but that doesn’t mean the disease isn’t always present. In fact, 86% of MS sufferers list fatigue as the number one symptom of their disease. The exact mechanism of MS fatigue […]