Exercise for Older Adults: A Little Goes a Long Way Towards Maintaining Independence

A healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and fitness is highly emphasized in today’s society, but when it comes to frail older adults, senior exercise and fitness are not necessarily health topics that come readily to mind.  However, the benefits of even moderate exercise for seniors are so great that it should not be overlooked. Recent studies suggest that senior citizens who exercise – even if they didn’t exercise when younger – tend to live longer, healthier, happier lives. This is due in no small part to a renewed or strengthened ability to perform daily activities independently and better fight through […]

Simple Steps to Take at Home to Manage Common COPD Symptoms

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, an estimated 12 million adults are currently diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and it’s estimated that another 12 million may be living with the disease without even knowing it. It’s also worth noting that COPD usually strikes in middle age, with smoking as the primary risk factor. Consistent exposure to occupational dusts and chemicals also presents a high risk factor. One of the first warning signs of COPD is mild coughing with clear sputum, usually after waking in the morning. Other symptoms may also crop up with this progressive disease, […]

How to Adapt Alzheimer’s Care Strategies as it Progresses

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease can feel like trying to solve a continuously evolving puzzle. As soon as you figure out the solution to one segment, you discover that the picture has changed, and you need to rethink your strategy. Working with the puzzle of Alzheimer’s and dementia care requires ongoing education and a team approach, including professionals specially trained in the many facets of Alzheimer’s disease support. Aker Kasten Home Health Care, providers of adult care services in Boca Raton, FL and surrounding communities, offers the following tips courtesy of the Alzheimer’s Association, to assist families […]

Caregiver Stress Affecting Productivity & Profitability in Boca Raton Businesses

Companies are always concerned about the well-being of their employees. Many offer wellness coaches, gym facilities, stress management tactics and more. However, there is a silent undercurrent of caregiver stress for many employees that companies are likely unaware of that could be affecting performance and ultimately, the bottom line. This silent stressor centers around the “sandwiched” employees: those that have their own nuclear family to care for and are also now in charge of an aging relative. Currently over 1 out of 4 households is involved in providing care for a chronically ill, disabled or aged family member or friend. […]

Aker Kasten Urges You to Act F.A.S.T to Prevent Irreversible Damage from Stroke

Hundreds of thousands of individuals across America will experience a stroke this year. Still, despite the fact that stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in America and a top cause of adult disability, many remain uneducated as to its causes and methods for prevention. Even more alarming is the fact that many individuals fail to recognize a stroke when experiencing symptoms. Aker Kasten Home Health Care of Boca Raton understands the importance of stroke education. We encourage the general public to become more aware about stroke risk factors, methods for prevention and symptom recognition. Aker Kasten Home Health Care, […]

How Will You Celebrate Spring’s Arrival in Florida?

March may come in like a lion or a lamb. Purim (March 5)But regardless of the weather when it arrives, March contains many special days you may want to celebrate. Some of the notable days this month include: Daylight Saving Time Beginning (March 8) International Women’s Day (March 8) World Kidney Day (March 12) The Ides of March (March 15)–any Shakespeare fans remember the warning, Beware the Ides of March? St. Patrick’s Day (March 17) First Day of Spring (March 20) Palm Sunday (March 29) National Doctors’ Day (March 30) This month has also been claimed for: National Nutrition Month American […]

Cataract Awareness: Now you see it…

Cataract removal is one of the most common operations performed in the U.S. Thanks to advances in technology, it is also one of the safest and most effective types of surgery with 90% of patients reporting greatly improved vision after surgery. This is evidence of the expertise of a limited few surgeons—like Boca Raton’s own Dr. Alan Aker and his associates at the Aker Kasten Eye Center. Don’t trust your eyesight to just anyone. Look for an experienced surgeon trained in the latest techniques and protocols. What Is A Cataract? To receive a clear, sharp image from our retina, the […]

Take An Aspirin and Call Me In The Morning…Right!

We all know the old joke:  Take an aspirin and call me in the morning…but did you know that doctors prescribe medication to help treat or cure what ails you so when you don’t fill prescriptions or adhere to proper medicine compliance as directed, you could be putting yourself at serious risk! It can be hard to remember to take medications. Some of us have difficulty just getting the medication–actually getting to the pharmacy can be burdensome. When you don’t take medication as it is prescribed, it’s called non-adherence or non-compliance. And you are not alone–it turns out many people […]

Florida Ranks 28th for Senior Health

America’s Health Rankings 2014 report shows Florida’s overall rank for Senior Health as 28th in the nation. While this is certainly lower than we would like, the report also spotlighted great rankings on specific measures such as: #1 on diabetes management for seniors #3 on seniors’ use of hospice #5 on percentage of seniors who were physically inactive (meaning most of us seniors are still active)! A recent article in The Ledger  points out that Florida has the fourth-oldest median age nationwide and ranks 50th in its level of senior citizens with multiple chronic conditions. Yet we rank in the worst five states for […]