A recent study released by JAMA Internal Medicine, encourages empowering seniors to discuss the use of sleeping pills with their physicians. You may be familiar with many news headlines concerned with the use of sleeping pills and incidents including memory problems, falls, fractures and even motor vehicle accidents. Dr. Cara Tannenbaum, Pharmacy Research Chair and geriatrician who released the study, is very concerned with the use of sleeping pills among seniors. Dr. Tannenbaum advocates that patients be involved in the decision of whether to use sleeping pills and possible taper their use. An empowerment intervention handout was devised which described the […]
We hear a lot about low-carb diets these days, but more than just helping people trim fat, cutting carbs could be beneficial to your brain. According to Dr. David Perlmutter, M.D., contrary to popular belief, the human body does not need carbohydrates. And not only does the body not need carbs, Perlmutter claims in his book, Grain Brain, that carbs are “the brain’s silent killers.” Perlmutter also notes, “The brain thrives on a fat-rich, low-carbohydrate diet, which unfortunately is relatively uncommon in human populations today.” Returning to the eating habits of early man—roughly 75 percent fat and 5 percent carbs—could stave […]
As we move into 2014, many of us reflect on the years past and make resolutions for the New Year. While this reflection and planning is worthwhile, some of us tend to expect too much of ourselves–and others. And sometimes we complicate our daily lives by not focusing on what truly matters. Take a deep breath and click on the link below. We think you will enjoy this brief video of seniors sharing wise words which might help you keep things in perspective: Pearls of Wisdom Happy 2014! All of us at Boca Raton home care provider, Aker Kasten Home Health Care, wish […]
A single prescription that can deliver 31 health benefits? And, it’s FREE? Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Read on… What single prescription can claim all these health benefits? Mood improves Decreases knee pain Reduces risk of stroke 40% decrease in lower back pain Reduces glaucoma risk (lowers pressure inside the eye) Cuts Alzheimer’s Disease risk by 50% over 5 years Lowers blood pressure Builds bones mass (reducing risk of osteoporosis) Decreases odds of catching a cold by 30-50% Arthritis can be prevented and managed Increases heart and respiratory fitness in adults with Type 2 Diabetes What can […]
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the subject of many headlines in recent months. Due to the various elements and timetables contained in the ACA, there is also plenty of confusion about what the Act will mean for you. Thankfully there are also many resources to help determine what changes and what does not change in light of the ACA. We will share a list of resources at the end of this brief overview. But when you have questions or receive information that you don’t understand, do not feel badly. Even so called “experts” are confused by the various […]
Healthy Snacking for Aging Seniors What are you doing to age in a healthy manner? Exercising? Eating healthy foods in the right portions? Taking your medications and vitamins as prescribed? Enjoying some social time with family or friends by phone or in person? All these simple things can help you age in a healthier way. When we neglect any of the items above, we risk our good health and energy. Since we can’t avoid aging, we should do what we can to remain healthy and vital. Recently, one of our dedicated in home caregivers posted a picture of a BEAUTIFUL […]
Cleanliness Affects Health Chronic conditions or recovery from a medical procedure can be very taxing on our bodies and minds. While our bodies work to heal, the condition of our home can either hinder or help. It has been proven that a cluttered, dirty environment can be depressing and actually decreases motivation. To heal, we often have to move, exercise, stimulate our minds and bodies. That is difficult to do with stacks of papers and magazines sapping our energy levels. And it is important to remember that you may already have a compromised immune system. But a home must also […]
We have all experienced the frustration: you aren’t feeling well…you call your doctor’s office for an appointment…you have to wait weeks to be scheduled…you exhaust yourself getting ready, driving, parking, walking into the office…have to fill out the same forms you filled out at your last visit…pull out your identification and Medicare cards…sit and wait in the waiting room…finally get called back to an exam room…and wait, and wait, and wait for the doctor to finally come see you. Then, the doctor is in and out of the exam room in what seems like a few minutes and you feel […]
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been the subject of many headlines in recent weeks. Due to the various elements and timetables contained in the ACA, there is also plenty of confusion about what the Act will mean for you. Thankfully there are also many resources to help us determine what changes and what does not change in light of the ACA. We will share a list of resources at the end of this brief overview. But when you have questions or receive information that you don’t understand, do not feel badly. Even so called “experts” are confused by the […]
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia can present unusual challenges when it comes to caregiving. West Palm Beach caregivers, Aker Kasten Home Health Care, is dedicated to providing home care which maximizes one’s quality of life. In addition to our aides assisting a client with Alzheimer’s or Dementia with the activities of daily living, we wanted to provide them with specialized training so they can truly engage and encourage our client each and every day! At our recent In-Service Caregiving Training, which we provide throughout the year as an educational offering to all our caregivers, we invited Barbara Curtis from FAU’s Louis and Anne Green Memory and Wellness Center to […]