Heart Health

Did you know that today is National Walking Day?  Did you know that physical inactivity doubles the risk of heart disease? The American Heart Association has many tips and tools to help you discover the importance of physical activity.  One of the best things about walking as exercise is that walking is free, can be done anywhere (even walking in your home or marching in place in front of the TV during commercial breaks!) and can significantly improve your overall well-being. Statistics show that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are at risk for heart disease.  And research […]

Marching On

March is nearly over. Did it come in like a lion or a lamb for you? We have enjoyed windy weather, the ides of March, college basketball’s March Madness is in full swing, and now you may find yourself involved in a religious observation of Passover or Resurrection Sunday, then the month is concluded. But wait! There’s more! It’s not over just yet. March is also National Nutrition Month and before the month marches on, we wanted to remind you of a few resources to encourage you to eat well–all year long–and present you with a fun challenge… Marching On […]

Simple Nutrition

March is National Nutrition Month, so this is a good time to gather up some helpful information about what to eat! For many of us, nutrition seems intimidating.  We are bombarded with information about diets, recipes, cooking shows, news stories advocating some new super food or health scares related to food. Let’s be honest.  When many of us think about what we are going to eat it’s a matter of what do we have in the house.  And when we are in the grocery, we mostly look for items we know we enjoy. It does take a bit of effort to plan out healthy, balanced […]

National Nutrition Month

Most of us can recall being admonished by our mother to eat your vegatables! Well, as usual, mom was right.  Even in our information age with scientific and medial breakthroughs, nothing seems to be able to take the place of proper nutrition. As part of our eNewsletter this month (if you are not receiving your copy, sign up on our home page after you finish reading this article!), we provided a link to allow you to test your health eating IQ by taking a simple quiz which appeared in the Ladies Home Journal.   You might be surprised to learn something new about nutrition […]

Remain At Home

Remain in Your Home – With Just A Little Help It is common for those needing assistance with care to feel uncomfortable or even reject the idea of accepting the help of an in-home caregiver.  Sadly, they are concerned that the presence of an outsider might suggest the family can’t or won’t take care of a loved one’s needs.  And few, if any, of us want to admit we are vulnerable or need assistance. But in home care is often a great solution to several challenges faced by today’s busy families — and nearly every family realizes great benefits from remaining at home whenever possible. […]

Hearts Making a Difference

Operating a service-based business can be both challenging and exhilerating.  The greatest reward for our organization is realized when a client or family member tells us we’ve made a positive difference.  With a view to treating the whole person–not just assisting with physical needs, but also addressing emotional well-being as well, we seek to preserve dignity, promote quality of life, provide for safety, and protect the serenity of the family with Boca Raton home health care.  Whether we serve a client for 4 hours a week or 24/7 Live In care, we follow the same model of caring, from the heart. Caring for the whole person […]

Medicare Changes for 2013

With all the news coverage of the changed in legislation surrounding Affordable Care Act(also commonly referred to as ObamaCare), it can be difficult to know what really affects YOU. The National Council on Aging has put together a few highlights of changes in Medicare in 2013. In addition, they also have posted some helpful links to items such as new preventative care options (such as a smoking cessation program) as well as Medicare’s chart of the monthly payments due in 2013. There are some positive changes to look forward to including: an easier-to-read benefit summary…discounts to combat the prescription coverage […]

Avoid Re-Admittance After A Procedure or Hospitalization

Avoid Re-Admittance After A Procedure or Hospitalization A recent study conducted at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health found that patients who received assistance with medication compliance in their home following a procedure or hospitalization reduced their risk of re-admittance to 11% as compared to 34% of those who received no supportive in-home care. This is just another study affirming the value of home health care and its vital role within a continuum of care which seeks to provide support medical providers such as physicians and hospitals. The goal of Aker Kasten Home Health Care is to keep you […]

Aker Kasten Helps Raise Funds for Memory & Wellness Center

We were delighted to be Bronze Sponsors and send a team of caregivers to participate in a fundraiser for a local Memory & Wellness Center to help them reach out to those in our community living with memory disorders! Here’s a picture of our team, giving of their time on a Sunday to walk for this great cause: Aker Kasten Home Health Care, a leading Boca Raton FL home care company, is here to help you and your senior loved ones. Contact us anytime to discuss your care needs.

Warnings Signs of A Heart Attack or Stroke

Review the Warning Signs of Heart Attack and Stroke Not all of these warning signs occur in every heart attack or stroke. If you think you may be having a heart attack or stroke call 911 immediately. Heart Attack Warning Signs Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. Other signs such as breaking out in a cold […]