January–from Janus, the Roman mythological two-headed god, who was gifted with the ability to look back as well as forward.  That is pretty much what we mortals are prone to do at this time of year–to look back over where we have been and what we have done…and then look forward to where we would like to see ourselves going and what we would like to be doing.  I am sure we all to that to some lesser or greater degree.  And I certainly find it most beneficial to do just that for our agency…

Looking Back: 2024 was a year of change for The Agency…

Rose and I, after seventeen years with Aker Kasten, stepped back from our leadership positions…

Matthew McDaniel became CEO/Administrator until he was called to be Senior Pastor at The Boca Raton Community Church…

Kim Baret, RN, faithful friend and distinguished Director of Nursing, retired after almost 17 years with The Agency

Natalie Emenecker assumed the dual role of CEO/ Administrator and was soon joined by husband, Trent, who became Chief Operating Officer…

Deborah Brown completed three years as our Director of Human Resources…

Julie marked fifteen years with us as our Director of Care Management…

Christy Teisen, RN, longtime friend of The Aker Kasten family, joined us as our Supervisory Nurse and just completed her BSN, Summa Cum Laude…

Gabriella (Gaby) Woodburn joined our leadership team as Director of Operations.

At our Annual Christmas Gathering, we thanked our highly competent and genuinely compassionate staff for their many years of service, noting that several have been with us from our earliest days, and many marked more than ten consistent years with The Agency.

Of special note in 2024 was a particular honor given Rose by The Home Care Association of Florida, the primary association for professional home care providers in Florida.  Each year HCAF names one individual to receive the Terri Santangelo Outstanding Leader Award, so named in honor of HCAF’s beloved former president, Terri Santangelo.  Rose was cited as a true leader in the home care industry as one who has made outstanding contributions in motivating staff to achieve excellence in home care service.  Well-deserved recognition for Rose who has been the heart of Aker Kasten Home Health Care from its beginning, motivating others by her humble and heartfelt service for the good of others and the glory of God.

                Looking Forward:  We anticipate continuing our personal/almost pastoral care of both clients and staff.  We are looking forward to our three great client gatherings this year: our spring Tea Party…The Summer Bingo Bash…and our Fall Festival.  And, as ever, we wish to live out what has been our commitment to client and staff alike:


Caring more than others think wise…

Risking more than others think safe…

Offering more than others think necessary…

Dreaming more than others think practical…


Achieving more than others think possible…

All for the good of others and The Glory of God!